March 05, 2006

A brief history of me...

I started using computers in 5th grade from even there I was amazed at what that machine can do. It was incredible! Almost like magic! But then in 6th I discovered the intenet and my imagination sorred to the skies. I couldn't belive that such a thing existed. Sure I've heard of it but to be there acessing all that info. I started reading useless info just to learned it. I start my first website in november of 2001 and I immedietelly fell in love with it. Even though it was just a small private family website. And from there on I took courses in different web languages and upon learing that linux is the main server used to host websites I started exploring it. After about a year I started making professional websites for my friends until they started recommending me and I got a couple of gigs from actual companies. My services spread by word of mouth. And I continually kept learning more and more web languages as well as linux server systems. And in about 2004 I started focussing on creating e-commerce websites. And that's about when I learned of google adsense. I of course carefully researched it until I was sure I knew enough to amke a website worthy of adsense. Most of the info I got from directly the google website. From there I started a website and put on google adsense. And my revenues were medium compared to how the site was faring. And I continued to study it and became successful in creating adsense friendly websites. And after seeing how many people wanted to get in on the adsense rush I decided to try to help them out in this journey. So I created the website:

  • in july of 2005. So here I am with many comments of thanks from novice users of google adsense that have found my site usefull in many ways. And I am just thankful that I can help people. Which has always been my lifelong dream. Thank You