December 14, 2006

New Google Adsense Payment History Page

Google adsense just released a new look and even more features for google adsense. I've always complained about how complicated the payment method for google adsense is but with this new page more details appears to be the key:

First we have a yellow section that takes you to the payment center of the google adsense help section. There you can find a whole list of the process as well as the time line of the google adsense payment process.

Next the earned and payment money has been divided into two columns allowing for a user to concentrate on each better. Another section provides your monthly account balance. Whe you click details more information about what happened on that month will be given. For example your payments were sent an don.

Last we have the payment schedule which includes an exclusive look at the timeline for th google adsense payments to be delivered. If you didn't know:

Complete with color coordinations for each change in the process.

My Review:

I am thinking this is a positive step from the folks over at google adsense, next they should try simplifying this whole formula so that new users can get used. I know it took me a long time to get used to these payment method of google adsense. What do you think will this make it easier or they need to step it down a notch at least one of those steps?

Thank You